, Step by step
Pollock fishcake with seared mackerel

A quick and easy dinner-party recipe.
Step 1
In a large saucepan poach the pollock fillets in a little water until cooked. Now flake the fish and add to the mash potato with the egg yolk and mix.
Step 2
Sauté the shallots in a little olive oil and add this to the mix. Add the chopped parsley and season with salt and pepper and then mix again and leave to go cold.
Step 3
Shape into cakes and leave to rest in the fridge.
Step 4
Finely slice the cucumber and mix in the lemon zest and juice. Season with salt and pepper and leave in the fridge for later.
Step 5
Brush the cakes with a little olive oil and bake through the oven at 160oC until fully cooked and a temperature of 75oC is reached. – Approximately 20 minutes in the oven.
Step 6
Cut the mackerel into 6 pieces and bake through the oven with a little olive oil and seasoning (oven at 170°C).
Step 7
Serve the cakes with the mackerel on top and with the cucumber salad and garnish with the caper berries.
Most of us could probably do with eating more fish for health reasons – at least 2 portions a week, one of which should be an oily fish like the mackerel in Mark’s April recipe – is recommended.
But we are also urged only to eat fish that is sustainable – that is fish caught in ways that do not damage the marine environment and not species that are being over-fished – so it can be a bit of a dilemma as to what type of fish we should eat.
The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) provides an on-line guide as to which fish to avoid and which to eat, and now you can even get this as a phone app!
Mark’s recipe this month combines a white fish (Pollack) with mackerel and these fish get the thumbs up from the MCS, who give them both a high rating on the sustainability front.
Mark has cooked these delicious fish cakes in the oven with just a little olive oil, so they are much lower in fat than traditionally fried fish cakes. You could make them into bite-sized cakes for the children, served with some peas or even baked beans, as a welcome change from fish fingers.